February 11, 2020, 04:52 Hundreds of Bene Israel community members from Maharashtra descended on Jerusalem on Monday evening from all around Israel to celebrate the Hebrew Calendar’s designation of their ‘Malida’ celebration as an official national holiday.
The Bene Israel community celebrated ‘Malida’ at 70 sites around the world, including India, the United States, and Israel, after receiving recognition thanks to the efforts of members of the community’s youth, known as ‘HaDor HaChadash’ (The New Generation).
On most of their celebratory occasions, the Bene Israel community has performed the ‘Malida’ ceremony, especially on the Jewish festival of Tu B’Shvat, also known as the new year of the trees.
Tradition has it that the community’s progenitors arrived in India on Tu B’Shvat, 175 BCE (Before the Current Era). Unfortunately, their ship sank off the coast of India, but seven men and as many ladies were rescued from the disaster.