25/11/2020 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
This talk was initially given in the summer of 2016, and I know that some of you were there. It was a hot August Friday night in the Peill Room, and Stu and I had cooked some delectable Indian fare to accompany the festivities. Even though everything I say will be based on the lecture I delivered at the time, I will include a portion regarding my mother’s and father’s families and why they ended up in India in 1914 and 1920, respectively, when my mother and father were born. To whet your anticipation for the talk on the 25th, I won’t say anything more.
It would be fantastic if people could bring important items to the screen. Linda has already promised an Indian Jewish cookbook, which I hope to get my hands on before the evening so I can make some veggie Indian fare. Chris acquired artifacts on his many visits to India in support of his charity in the south of the country, and Helen has them. Chris from Peterborough mentioned that she had some Kerralan Jewish information. Please bring any relevant artifacts or dishes with you that have a Jewish Indian flavor. I hope to see you at the event.
Source: http://www.norwichljc.org.uk/event/talk-on-the-jews-of-india/