Title: Humanism and Jewish American Drama Author: D. Venkateswarlu Published: December 1990 Country Published: India Publisher: Stosius Inc/Advent Books Division ISBN-10: 8185218196 ISBN-13: 978-8185218199 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Humanism-Jewish-American-Drama-Venkateswarlu/dp/8185218196
Author: content
Book: The Holy Name: Mysticism in Judaism
Title: The Holy Name: Mysticism in Judaism Author: Miriam Bokser Caravella Published: 1989 Country Published: Philippines Publisher: Radha Soami Satsang Beas ISBN-10: 1127429485 ISBN-13: 978-1127429486 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/holy-name-Mysticism-Judaism/dp/B0006EW2YM
Book: Hindu View of Judaism
Title: Hindu View of Judaism Author: Ananda Published: June 28, 1996 Country Published: India Publisher: APC ISBN-10: 8186580093 ISBN-13: 978-8186580097 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Hindu-View-Judaism-Ananda/dp/8186580093
Book: Muhammad and the Jews: Re-examination
Title: Muhammad and the Jews: Re-examination Author: Ahmad Barakat Published: December 1982 Country Published: India Publisher: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd ISBN-10: 070690804X ISBN-13: 978-0706908046 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Muhammad-Jews-Re-examination-Ahmad-Barakat/dp/070690804X
Book: Jews and Negroes
Title: Jews and Negroes Author: Ahir, D.C., Dr. Ambedkar Published: 1998 Country Published: United States of America Publisher: Blumoon Books ISBN-10: 8187190280 ISBN-13: 978-8187190288 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Ambedkar-Jews-Negroes-editor-Ahir/dp/8187190280
Book: Bombay: Exploring The Jewish Urban Heritage
Title: Bombay: Exploring The Jewish Urban Heritage Author: Shaul Sapir Published: March 1, 2014 Country Published: India Publisher: Bene Israel Heritage Museum and Geneological Research Centre ISBN-10: 8192072134 ISBN-13: 978-8192072135 Description: Bombay possesses an intense history in which it grew and developed as a city containing a variety of populations, religions, cultures and architectural styles….
The vanishing tribe of Indian Jews
Will Maharashtra’s decision to recognize them as a minority help to revive India’s shrinking Jewish community? But why aren’t we allowed to see the Torah? “There are so many of us here,” a young boy asked Ezra Moses, the synagogue’s secretary, as part of a group of schoolchildren viewing Thane’s 137-year-old “Gate of Heaven.” While…
Book: Awas the growing-up years
Title: Awas the growing-up years Author: Bunny Reuben ISBN-10: 8190454730 ISBN-13: 978-8190454735 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Awas-growing-up-years-Bunny-Reuben/dp/8190454730/
Book: Letters to a Buddhist Jew
Title: Letters to a Buddhist Jew Author: David Gottlieb, Akiva Tatz Published: January 1, 2005 Country Published: Jerusalem Publisher: Targum Press ISBN-10: 1568713568 ISBN-13: 978-1568713564 Description: Cultural Writing. Letters. Jewish studies. Buddhist studies. LETTERS TO A BUDDHIST JEW is a collection of letters between a Jew drawn to Buddhism and an Orthodox rabbi. “In this…
Book: African Elites in India (Habshi Amarat)
Title: African Elites in India (Habshi Amarat) Author: Kenneth X. Robbins, John McLeod Published: July 14, 2006 Country Published: India Publisher: Mapin Publishing Gp Pty Ltd ISBN-10: 1890206970 ISBN-13: 978-1890206970 Description: The book is not intended to be a complete history of Sub-Saharan Africans in India, or even of elite Africans. Rather, it is a…