Title: The Mystery of Israel’s Ten Lost Tribes and the Legend of Jesus in India Author: Joshua M Benjamin Published: 2001 Country Published: Canada Publisher: Mosaic Books ISBN-10: 8185399573 ISBN-13: 978-8185399577 Customer Review: If you are a Joseph Campbell fan or find ancient history and comparative philosophy interesting, this is a book to read. Location…
Author: content
Book: Between Jerusalem and Benares (Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism Edited)
Title: Between Jerusalem and Benares (Comparative Studies in Judaism and Hinduism Edited) Author: Hananya Goodman Published: October 25, 1994 Country Published: USA Publisher: State University of New York Press ISBN-10: 0791417166 ISBN-13: 978-0791417164 Description: From the back cover: “This book stands at the crossroads between Jerusalem and Benares and opens a long awaited conversation between…
Book: Across the Sabbath River (In Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel)
Title: Across the Sabbath River (In Search of a Lost Tribe of Israel) Author: Hillel Halkin Published: August 15, 2002 Country Published: USA Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt ISBN-10: 0618029982 ISBN-13: 978-0618029983 Description: The fate of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel has fascinated Jews and Christians throughout the ages. Hillel Halkin, a distinguished writer and…
Book: The Children of Israel: The Bene Israel of Bombay
Title: The Children of Israel: The Bene Israel of Bombay Author: Schifra Strizower Published: September 6, 1971 Country Published: USA Publisher: Blackwell Publishers ISBN-10: 0631138102 ISBN-13: 978-0631138105 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Children-Israel-Bene-Bombay/dp/0631138102
Book: Flowers in the Blood
Title: Flowers in the Blood Author: Gay Courter Published: September 6, 2002 Country Published: USA Publisher: iUniverse ISBN-10: 0595242499 ISBN-13: 978-0595242498 Description: Beautiful Dinah Sassoon, daughter of an affluent opium trader and pillar of Calcuttas tight-knit Jewish community, sees her privileged future destroyed when her mother is mysteriously murdered. This tragic event leaves Dinah dishonored…
Book: Bene Israel of India (Some Studies)
Title: Bene Israel of India (Some Studies) Author: Benjamin J. Israel Published: September 1, 1989 Country Published: USA Publisher: Orient Longman ISBN-10: 0861314557 ISBN-13: 978-0861314553 Location URL: http://www.amazon.com/Bene-Israel-India-Some-Studies/dp/0861314557
Book: Genetics, Mass Media and Identity: A case study of the Genetic Research on the Lemba and Bene Israel
Title: Book: Genetics, Mass Media and Identity: A case study of the Genetic Research on the Lemba and Bene Israel Author: Tudor Parfitt and Yulia Egorova Published: March 16, 2006 Country Published: USA Publisher: Routledge ISBN-10: 041537474X ISBN-13: 978-0415374743 Description: This is the first book to explore the effect of genetic research on the Lemba…
“Next year in Bombay” – Official HD Trailer
Chaï Chaï Films & Les Poissons Volants present “Next year in Bombay” (documentary – 55 min – 2010) Directed by Jonas Pariente and Mathias Magin FESTIVAL SELECTIONS Palm Springs International Film Festival, Mumbai FF, San Francisco Jewish FF, Cairo Documentary FF, Florence River-to-River Indian FF, Atlanta Jewish FF, New York Sephardic FF, Stuttgart Beyond Bollywood…
Jewish Believer in Jesus from India – Susan Jacob at Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural
Jewish Believer in Jesus from India – Susan Jacob at Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural. 21 Feb 2005.
India and the Jewish People
A meeting of the Knesset Sub-Committee on Israel and the Jewish People discussing the relationship between India and the Jewish People.